The eight series is about 8 paintings which are all 80x80cm. In this series new techniques are used to create the most amazing new works of Art.
uit 2016 tot 2016
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Eight 8-3000
2016Eight 8-3000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast and balans between a free and a geometrical expression.

Eight 8-4000
2016Eight 8-4000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast between a free and geometrical expression.

Eight 8-5000
2016Eight 8-5000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast and balans between a free and a geometrical expression. The painting is a reflection of the inner beauty of a human being in all its beauty and color. It shows how beautiful and wonderful we are inside. The white lines and surfaces allong the edges of the canvas are the things in our lives that are around us and can draw and affect us from the outside. The things that can control us or give us confidence. These things can be beautiful, less beautiful or even not beautiful at all. It is up to us how we experience it ourselves. The planes and lines that are scattered across the canvas are positioned in such a way to show us some of the stunning beauties and to put the spotlight on them.

Eight 8-6000
2016Eight 8-6000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast and balance between a free and geometrical expression.