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SD 8-4000 D06
2017This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original "father" painting. SD 8-4000 D06 shows a subtle movement and contrast in a diptych, creating a beautiful energy. The painting is a reflection of different moments and movement in our lives. It shows the beauty of being in silence and peace but also how movement can breng beautiful colors and contrasts. The unity between the two is amazing. On the other hand it is a beautiful reflection of unity between lovers. Showing how both can be so different in their expression and still be one in unity. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame. This diptych exists out of two artworks of 100x100cm each.

Eight 8-3000
2016Eight 8-3000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast and balans between a free and a geometrical expression.

Eight 8-4000
2016Eight 8-4000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast between a free and geometrical expression.

Eight 8-5000
2016Eight 8-5000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast and balans between a free and a geometrical expression. The painting is a reflection of the inner beauty of a human being in all its beauty and color. It shows how beautiful and wonderful we are inside. The white lines and surfaces allong the edges of the canvas are the things in our lives that are around us and can draw and affect us from the outside. The things that can control us or give us confidence. These things can be beautiful, less beautiful or even not beautiful at all. It is up to us how we experience it ourselves. The planes and lines that are scattered across the canvas are positioned in such a way to show us some of the stunning beauties and to put the spotlight on them.

Eight 8-6000
2016Eight 8-6000 is a colorful dynamic artwork that shows a strong but natural contrast and balance between a free and geometrical expression.

Fully Exposed VSD02-1
2016Fully Exposed is an amazing new series of art that came totally unexpected and was revealed with great excitement, impact, power and inspiration. The Fully Exposed series are literally extractions from a painting I made in 2014 called “A New Dimension”. A beautiful and very colorful painting with an abundance of fascinating and fine details. “A New Dimension” was initially only scanned for the introduction of giclees. But when the digital scan of the painting was studied and very small slices of the painting were taken out and stretched, the excitement came. The results were truly flabbergasting and mind blowing! Very small pieces of the painting, that in itself were almost meaningless and barely visible with the naked eye, were “blown up” and stretched to sizes 5000 times it's original size. You would expect nothing special from such an excessive enlargement. However the reality was highly surprising. This interaction and synergy between art and technology brought forth amazingly beautiful and colorful Artworks with sizes up to 3x14,4 meters. But the most amazing thing about these extreme large Artworks that keeps amazing me are the truly astonishing details that appear! How is it possible that something so extremely small and meaningless brings forth such exceedingly large Artworks filled with wondrous details? How truly amazing is it to see that something so small has so much power and beauty inside? A unique revelation that of the inner beauty and greatness of the original “A New Dimension” that was imprisoned and could only be released through a full exposure. The Fully Exposed series has literally become a new dimension. This work of Art is unique and will only be available once on diasec.

Fully Exposed VSD02-2
2016Fully Exposed is an amazing new series of art that came totally unexpected and was revealed with great excitement, impact, power and inspiration. The Fully Exposed series are literally extractions from a painting I made in 2014 called “A New Dimension”. A beautiful and very colorful painting with an abundance of fascinating and fine details. “A New Dimension” was initially only scanned for the introduction of giclees. But when the digital scan of the painting was studied and very small slices of the painting were taken out and stretched, the excitement came. The results were truly flabbergasting and mind blowing! Very small pieces of the painting, that in itself were almost meaningless and barely visible with the naked eye, were “blown up” and stretched to sizes 5000 times it's original size. You would expect nothing special from such an excessive enlargement. However the reality was highly surprising. This interaction and synergy between art and technology brought forth amazingly beautiful and colorful Artworks with sizes up to 3x14,4 meters. But the most amazing thing about these extreme large Artworks that keeps amazing me are the truly astonishing details that appear! How is it possible that something so extremely small and meaningless brings forth such exceedingly large Artworks filled with wondrous details? How truly amazing is it to see that something so small has so much power and beauty inside? A unique revelation that of the inner beauty and greatness of the original “A New Dimension” that was imprisoned and could only be released through a full exposure. The Fully Exposed series has literally become a new dimension. This work of Art is unique and will only be available once on diasec.

Fully Exposed VSD02-3
2016Fully Exposed is an amazing new series of art that came totally unexpected and was revealed with great excitement, impact, power and inspiration. The Fully Exposed series are literally extractions from a painting I made in 2014 called “A New Dimension”. A beautiful and very colorful painting with an abundance of fascinating and fine details. “A New Dimension” was initially only scanned for the introduction of giclees. But when the digital scan of the painting was studied and very small slices of the painting were taken out and stretched, the excitement came. The results were truly flabbergasting and mind blowing! Very small pieces of the painting, that in itself were almost meaningless and barely visible with the naked eye, were “blown up” and stretched to sizes 5000 times it's original size. You would expect nothing special from such an excessive enlargement. However the reality was highly surprising. This interaction and synergy between art and technology brought forth amazingly beautiful and colorful Artworks with sizes up to 3x14,4 meters. But the most amazing thing about these extreme large Artworks that keeps amazing me are the truly astonishing details that appear! How is it possible that something so extremely small and meaningless brings forth such exceedingly large Artworks filled with wondrous details? How truly amazing is it to see that something so small has so much power and beauty inside? A unique revelation that of the inner beauty and greatness of the original “A New Dimension” that was imprisoned and could only be released through a full exposure. The Fully Exposed series has literally become a new dimension. This work of Art is unique and will only be available once on diasec.

SD 8-4000 D03
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original painting. SD 8-4000 D03 shows a subtle movement and contrast in an asymmetrical diptych (40x200cm / 40x80cm), creating a beautiful energy. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame.

SD 8-4000 D04
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original "father" painting. SD 8-4000 D04 shows a subtle movement and contrast in a diptych, creating a beautiful energy. The painting is a reflection of different moments and movement in our lives. It shows the beauty of being in silence and peace but also how movement can breng beautiful colors and contrasts. The unity between the two is amazing. On the other hand it is a beautiful reflection of unity between lovers. Showing how both can be so different in their expression and still be one in unity. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame. This diptych exists out of two artworks of 100x100cm each.

SD 8-4001
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original painting. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame.

SD 8-4002
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original painting. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame.

SD 8-4005
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original painting. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame.

SD 8-4006
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original painting. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame.

SD 8-4007
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original painting. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame.

SD 8-4008
2016This Sons and Daughters painting is an amazing work of art that literally come forth out of the painting Eight 8-4000. Searching and stretching each discovery exposes the amazing, almost endless beauty that is inside the original painting. This artwork is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH, gloss finish on aluminium, along with a slim metal white frame.

AND 1000
2015Tijdelijke korting van 33%. Nu 733 euro in plaats van 1100 euro. Het is duidelijk dat het woord AND staat voor "A New Dimension". Het is ook duidelijk dat 1000 staat voor de 1000mm afmeting van het schilderij. Het Woord "AND" is echter meer dan alleen een afkorting. Het geeft duidelijk aan dat er nog een andere creatieve expressie en oplossing is gevonden binnen de grenzen van het kunstwerp "A New Dimension". Evenals de naam van het schilderij, wordt het schilderij gemorpht naar een unieke, nieuwe en sterkere dimensie. Deze nieuwe artistieke benadering was het gevolg van onderzoek en analyse binnen en buiten de huidige grenzen. Niet wetende dat het morphen een nieuwe dimensie zou brengen die kennelijk al natuurlijk aanwezig was. AND 1000 is een verschaalde en gemorphde reproductie van de originele "A New Dimension" uit de 3D colourscaping serie. Dit nieuw kunstwerk brengt nieuw leven, energie, kracht, kleur, geluk, blijdschap en rust. Aangezien "A New Dimension" één van mijn favoriete schilderijen is ben ik enorm enthousiast deze nieuwe artistieke benadering gevonden te hebben. Het zal niet alleen mijzelf maar vele mensen over de hele wereld de mogelijkheid geven om te genieten van dit geweldig kunstwerk! AND 1000 heeft een gelimiteerde oplage van slechts 10 reproducties (glicée's).. Iedere print is een "Certified Art Glicée" kunstdruk op canvas dat genummerd en gesigneerd is door de kunstenaar. Daarnaast wordt er bij ieder doek een getekend Cerificaat van Echtheid geleverd. De genoemde prijs van dit schilderij (glicée) is exclusief spieraam. Indien dit wel gewenst is neem dan contact op voor meer informatie hierover.

AND 1400
Het is duidelijk dat het woord AND staat voor "A New Dimension". Het is ook duidelijk dat 1400 staat voor de 1400mm afmeting van het schilderij. Het Woord "AND" is echter meer dan alleen een afkorting. Het geeft duidelijk aan dat er nog een andere creatieve expressie en oplossing is gevonden binnen de grenzen van het kunstwerp "A New Dimension". Evenals de naam van het schilderij, wordt het schilderij gemorpht naar een unieke, nieuwe en sterkere dimensie. Deze nieuwe artistieke benadering was het gevolg van onderzoek en analyse binnen en buiten de huidige grenzen. Niet wetende dat het morphen een nieuwe dimensie zou brengen die kennelijk al natuurlijk aanwezig was. AND 1400 is een verschaalde en gemorpfde reproductie van de originele "A New Dimension" uit de 3D colourscaping serie. Dit nieuw kunstwerk brengt nieuw leven, energie, kracht, kleur, geluk, blijdschap en rust. Aangezien "A New Dimension" één van mijn favoriete schilderijen is ben ik enorm enthousiast deze nieuwe artistieke benadering gevonden te hebben. Het zal niet alleen mijzelf maar vele mensen over de hele wereld de mogelijkheid geven om te genieten van dit geweldig kunstwerk!
AND 1400 heeft een gelimiteerde oplage van slechts 10 reproducties (glicée's).. Iedere print is een "Certified Art Glicée" kunstdruk op canvas dat genummerd en gesigneerd is door de kunstenaar. Daarnaast wordt er bij ieder doek een getekend Cerificaat van Echtheid geleverd. De genoemde prijs van dit schilderij (glicée) is exclusief spieraam. Indien dit wel gewenst is neem dan contact op voor meer informatie hierover.

AND 800
Het is duidelijk dat het woord AND staat voor "A New Dimension". Het is ook duidelijk dat 800 staat voor de 800mm afmeting van het schilderij. Het Woord "AND" is echter meer dan alleen een afkorting. Het geeft duidelijk aan dat er nog een andere creatieve expressie en oplossing is gevonden binnen de grenzen van het kunstwerk "A New Dimension". Evenals de naam van het schilderij, wordt het schilderij gemorpht naar een unieke, nieuwe en sterkere dimensie. Deze nieuwe artistieke benadering was het gevolg van onderzoek en analyse binnen en buiten de huidige grenzen. Niet wetende dat het morphen een nieuwe dimensie zou brengen die kennelijk al natuurlijk aanwezig was. AND 800 is een verschaalde en gemorpfde reproductie van de originele "A New Dimension" uit de 3D colourscaping serie. Dit nieuw kunstwerk brengt nieuw leven, energie, kracht, kleur, geluk, blijdschap en rust. Aangezien "A New Dimension" één van mijn favoriete schilderijen is ben ik enorm enthousiast deze nieuwe artistieke benadering gevonden te hebben. Het zal niet alleen mijzelf maar vele mensen over de hele wereld de mogelijkheid geven om te genieten van dit geweldig kunstwerk!
AND 800 heeft een gelimiteerde oplage van slechts 10 reproducties (glicée's).. Iedere print is een "Certified Art Glicée" kunstdruk op canvas dat genummerd en gesigneerd is door de kunstenaar. Daarnaast wordt er bij ieder doek een getekend Cerificaat van Echtheid geleverd. De genoemde prijs van dit schilderij (glicée) is exclusief spieraam. Indien dit wel gewenst is neem dan contact op voor meer informatie hierover.

AND C-Edition
2015AND C-edition is de opvolger van de AND 800 / 1000 / 1400 schilderijen in de "A New Dimension" series. Het is duidelijk dat het woord AND staat voor "A New Dimension". Dit woord is echter meer dan alleen een afkorting. Het geeft duidelijk aan dat er nog een andere creatieve expressie en oplossing is gevonden binnen de grenzen van het kunstwerk "A New Dimension". De " C-edition " staat voor customized (aangepaste) edition. Met andere woorden: deze unieke serie geeft een beperkt aantal kopers de unieke kans om hun eigen afmeting en kleuren te introduceren. Hierdoor ontstaat een gepersonaliseerd kunstwerk dat perfect zal passen in eidere omgeving. AND C-edition is een verschaalde en gemorphde reproductie van de originele "A New Dimension" uit de 3D colourscaping serie. Deze nieuwe kunstwerken brengen nieuw leven, energie, kracht, kleur, geluk, blijdschap en rust. AND C-edition heeft een gelimiteerde oplage van slechts 20 reproducties (glicée's). Dit betekend dat slechts 20 kopers wereldwijd de unieke mogelijkheid krijgen om een werkelijk uniek kunstwerk te co-creëren. Iedere print is een "Certified Art Glicée" kunstdruk op canvas dat genummerd en gesigneerd is door de kunstenaar. Daarnaast wordt er bij ieder doek een getekend Cerificaat van Echtheid geleverd. De genoemde prijs van dit schilderij (glicée) is exclusief spieraam. Indien dit wel gewenst is neem dan contact op voor meer informatie hierover.

A New Dimension 1.1
A New Dimension 1.1 is een nieuwe artistieke benadering en vorm van expressie. Het is een verschaalde reproductie (gliclée) van de originele "A New Dimension" uit de 3D colourscaping serie. Het uitvergroten van de schilderij brengt meer energie, kracht, kleur, blijdschap en geluk. Deze unieke reproducties op canvas zijn 110% (1,1x) verschaald ten opzichte van de originele versie. De bijzondere, originele schilderij "A New Dimension" is een doek vol van kleur, geometrische vlakken en driedimensionaliteit. Een paar dagen nadat het doek gereed was, was het al verkocht. Het is een schilderij met zoveel energie in zich dat het van nature geroepen is om verschaalt te worden naar nieuwe dimensies. Aangezien "A New Dimension" één van mijn favoriete schilderijen is ben ik enorm enthousiast deze nieuwe artistieke benadering gevonden te hebben. Het zal niet alleen mijzelf maar ook vele, andere mensen over de hele wereld de mogelijkheid geven om te genieten van dit geweldig kunstwerk!
A New Dimension 1.1 heeft een gelimiteerde oplage van 40 reproducties (glicées) op canvas. Iedere print is een "Certified Art Glicée" kunstdruk op canvas dat genummerd en gesigneerd is door de kunstenaar. Daarnaast wordt er bij ieder doek een getekend Cerificaat van Echtheid geleverd.

A New Dimension 2.2
A New Dimension 2.2 is een nieuwe artistieke benadering en vorm van expressie. Het is een verschaalde reproductie (gliclée) van de originele "A New Dimension" uit de 3D colourscaping serie. Het uitvergroten van de schilderij brengt zo veel meer energie, kracht, kleur, blijdschap en geluk. De impact van deze unieke reproducties op canvas die 220% (2,2x) verschaald zijn ten opzichte van de originele versie, zorgen voor een verbazingwekkende beleving. De bijzondere, originele schilderij "A New Dimension" is een doek vol van kleur, geometrische vlakken en driedimensionaliteit. Een paar dagen nadat het doek gereed was, was het al verkocht. Het is een schilderij met zoveel energie in zich dat het van nature geroepen is om te "exploderen" naar een grotere schaal; a new dimension. Aangezien "A New Dimension" één van mijn favoriete schilderijen is ben ik enorm enthousiast deze nieuwe artistieke benadering gevonden te hebben. Het zal niet alleen mijzelf maar ook vele, andere mensen over de hele wereld de mogelijkheid geven om te genieten van dit geweldig kunstwerk!
A New Dimension 2.2 heeft een gelimiteerde oplage van 20 reproducties (glicées). Iedere print is een "Certified Art Glicée" kunstdruk op canvas dat genummerd en gesigneerd is door de kunstenaar. Daarnaast wordt er bij ieder doek een getekend Cerificaat van Echtheid geleverd. De genoemde prijs van dit schilderij / doek is exclusief transportkosten.

Fully Exposed 4M01 1-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M01 2-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M01 3-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M01 4-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M01 5-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M02 1-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M02 2-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M02 3-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M02 4-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed 4M02 5-5
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D01 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D01 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D01 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D01 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D02 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D02 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D02 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D02 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D03 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D03 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D03 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D03 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D04 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D04 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D04 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D04 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D05 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D05 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D05 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D05 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D06 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D06 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D06 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D06 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D07 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D07 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D07 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D07 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D08 1-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D08 2-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D08 3-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed D08 4-4
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on canvas and once as diasec.

Fully Exposed V01
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH (sublimation on aluminum), glossy.

Fully Exposed V02
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH (sublimation on aluminum), glossy.

Fully Exposed V03
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once on HDFINISH (sublimation on aluminum), glossy.

Fully Exposed VD01-1
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD01-2
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD02
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD03-1
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD03-2
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD04-1
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD04-2
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD05-1
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD05-2
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD06-1
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD06-2
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD06-3
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD07
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD08-1
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD08-2
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

Fully Exposed VD08-3
2015Fully Exposed is a pure revelation of inner beauty, power and energy that is revealed and exposed in it's total fullness. Elements that were not visible by the naked eye are found and discovered by taking the time to observe and to dig deep. Going beyond the limited boundaries of what we physically are able to perceive. But, once we have seen and are exposed to this amazing beauty, power and energy, we are overwhelmed with amazement, inspiration and excitement. We then see that even the smallest dot or spot becomes meaningfull and significant, making Fully Exposed a truly mind-blowing revelation and experience. This work of Art is unique and original. It is offered and available only once as diasec.

A New Dimension
2014Een spontaan nieuw doek vol kleur, dynamiek, geometrische vlakken en driedimensionaliteit. Dat gezamenlijk is gemaakt met Happy uit dezelfde serie. Een doek dat geluk en blijdschap uitstraalt.

Art & Architecture - New Day
2014Tijdelijke korting van 33%. Nu 5133 euro in plaats van 7700 euro. Dit doek is het eerste doek in de nieuwe serie Art & Architecture. Een nieuwe serie waarin een interactie en synergie wordt gezocht tussen kunst en architectuur. Dit doek is een transitiedoek dat richting geeft aan de nieuwe serie. Een nieuwe dag dat speelt met vormen, compositie en kleuren.

Art & Architecture - OVG
2014Now 33% off. From 11.500 euro to 7666 euro. This painting is the second in the new series called Art & Architecture. A new series in which an interaction and synergy is sought between art and architecture. This painting is a reflection and translation of one of the most amazing and sustainable villa in the Northern part of the Netherlands. A villa built in Glimmen which I personally designed as an architect. It is an introduction of a new opportunity to create customized Artwork of any home, villa or building worldwide. OVG stands for Ode Villa Glimmen. If you are you interested in having such a unique Artwork that is fully connected, related and breathes the air of your own personal home, villa or building? Just contact me by mail or through my website.

Tijdelijke korting van 33%. Nu 880 euro in plaats van 1333 euro.
Een spontaan nieuw doek vol kleur, dynamiek, geometrische vlakken en driedimensionaliteit.
Een doek dat geluk en blijdschap uitstraalt.

The Dreams of Burj Al Arab
2014The Dreams of Burj Al Arab is the third painting in my newest series Art & Architecture. The Dreams of Burj Al Arab is about my reflection of one of the most influential and astonishing buildings on our planet. It's pure and beautiful form, together with it's exposing richness and location makes it a precious jewel, a shining pearl, a global treasure, a cherishing dream and a rich inspiration for many. The painting reflects the Burj Al Arab in it's most purest iconic form. A form that we all know so well and that has been stored in our unconsciousness. The icon is connected to a border that embraces and embodies the total painting as a treasure. A shining pearl finish highlights both border and icon emphasizing the richness of the treasure inside. A treasure that goes far beyond a tangible and visible richness. This treasure is a reflection of never ending global dreams and inspirations that have come forth through the Burj Al Arab. The Burj Al Arab has paved the way to show and inspire that nothing is impossible.

2011Het is tijd om weer te gaan bewegen en los te komen van datgene wat je zo lang heeft vastgehouden. Sta op, laat los en beweeg en zodat het licht in je leven weer kan gaan schijnen.


Purple Rain
2010Hoe vervelend soms ook, de regen is meer dan een zegen. Onze aarde en wij kunnen niet zonder om te overleven. Woestijnen laten ons zien wat er gebeurt als de regen ontbreekt. Purple Rain geeft met de kleur paars de regen een meer kleurrijke, koninklijke en waardige plaats in ons bestaan. Een plaats van meer bewustwoording.

Sta Op

2010Soms zijn er moeilijke dingen en momenten in ons leven waarmee we geconfronteerd worden. Dit zijn de uitdagingen die we moeten ondergaan en overwinnen. Het leven gaat door. Overwinning zal komen. Het zal ons sterker maken en zorgen dat onze levens en omgeving were zullen gaan schijnen.